R2G ERROR - Secrets error: R2G_EMAIL not found
One of those secrets is blank or missing. Add it in Settings > Secrets
R2G ERROR - Login error. Roam says: "There is no user record corresponding to this identifier. The user may have been deleted."
or R2G ERROR - Login error. Roam says: "The email address is badly formatted."
secret is incorrect. Try updating it.
R2G ERROR - Login error. Roam says: "The password is invalid or the user does not have a password."
secret is incorrect. Try updating it.
Make sure you're not using a Google account login, as this is not supported. (If you are, sign out of Roam, and on the sign-in page, click "Forgot your password" to set a password.)
Your 'personal access token' has expired. Go to your Personal Access Tokens, click on your token (possibly named 'Roam backup' or something similar), click 'Regenerate token,' change the expiration if you want to, then click the green 'Regenerate token' button. (Thanks Reid)
Timed out with R2G astrolabe spinning...
then Error: The operation was canceled.
or "TimeoutError: waiting for selector .loading-astrolabe to be hidden failed: timeout 600000ms exceeded"
Possible causes:
secret is incorrect. Try updating it (make sure it's only the graph name, not a URL)TIMEOUT
env setting as explained here: Extra Options)R2G ERROR - EDN formatting error: mismatch with original
The file integrity check to make sure the formatted version of the EDN file matches the downloaded EDN export failed. Please let me know if this were ever to happen.
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
If this happens after the step: R2G - Formatting EDN (this can take a couple minutes for large graphs), then the Roam graph’s EDN is too large for the Action to parse it, because it runs out of memory. Unfortunately, this means you’ll have to disable the EDN backups for it to continue backing up the JSON and Markdown. Do this by going to main.yml and change this setting to false:
Retrieving the default branch name
Error: Not Found
Secret is incorrect.
Please try updating it with the format of
*GitHub username*/*backup repo name*
For example, if the username is everruler12
and the backup repo name is roam2github
Then the secret should be:
This is incorrect:
❌ <everruler12>/<roam2github>
Error: fatal: couldn't find remote ref refs/heads/main
Error: The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 128
You probably forgot to initialize your backup repository with a README file:
To fix, you just need to add something to your backup repo to initialize it, like a README:
Go to your backup repo
Under Quick Setup, click creating a new file
for the file name
Add something to the body, like # README
At the bottom, click the green Commit new file button
Your repo should now be initialized.