A free, private Github account gives you 2000 minutes to run backup Actions. The default setting is to run backups every hour. If you have a large graph, it may take awhile to process the EDN backup, causing you to exceed the 2000 minute limit. In this case, you can use 2 repos, one private and one public, as a workaround. Public repos do not have this limit. So the public repo will run the backup, and save the files to your private repo. If you do not wish to do this, here are a couple other workarounds:
Pay GitHub ~$4/month to unlock additional server minutes. Maybe use an educational account if you're a student?
Change the frequency of your backup to use less minutes in a month.
In the main.yml, you can change the cron. Here are a couple examples:
0 */2 * * *
0 15-23,0-7 * * *
Thanks to Reid for helping clarify this.